Dream of Waking Up (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream of Waking Up (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

If you have ever woken up from a dream and started going about your morning routine only to then realize you’re still dreaming, you will know how unsettling this phenomenon can be. However, this experience is surprisingly common, and there are several ways to interpret it – and to help you understand, in this post,…

Dream of Being Watched (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream of Being Watched (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Have you ever had a dream where you feel like you’re being watched? It’s a very eerie feeling, isn’t it?  Dreams about being watched can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the context of the dream. Let’s take a closer look at the meaning of dreams about being watched and what they might mean…

Biblical Meaning Of Clothes In A Dream (11 Spiritual Meanings)

Biblical Meaning Of Clothes In A Dream (11 Spiritual Meanings)

Clothes play a big part in the Bible and are used to signify many changes in the inner world of the people, and in the external relationship with God. Likewise, clothes are powerful symbols in the dream world. The biblical meaning of dreams about clothes can differ, depending on the type of clothes that you…

Dream Of Having A Stroke (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream Of Having A Stroke (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Every year, almost 800,000 individuals suffer from a stroke in the U.S. alone. If you have ever seen someone post-stroke, you surely know the devastating effects it can have on one’s physical and mental health. A dream or nightmare of having a stroke can cause intense distress, especially if you’re the victim of the dream. This…

Dream About Black Shadow (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Black Shadow (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Waking up from a dream about black shadows can be unsettling, especially if you were scared within your dream. It’s important to find the meaning behind your dream of a black shadow to discover what caused it and how it could affect your waking life. The meaning of a black shadow dream depends on how…

Dream About People From Your Past (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About People From Your Past (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dreaming about someone from your past is a common dream, and it is usually triggered by some event in your waking life- maybe you saw your old friend in town or thought about them for some reason. This dream might imply that you are stuck in the past or want to relive some of those…

Dream About Possession (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Possession (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Spiritually, dreams about possession are a nightmare. The dreamer may wake up disturbed, shaken, and fearful of their environment and family. When an external force takes control of a human body, the individual loses a grip of their senses, falls into confusion, and completely surrenders to the rulings of that spirit, which weakens their mind,…

Dream About Planets (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Planets (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Planets are beautiful, vast, and mysterious – and still to this day, we are uncovering more and more about them and their meaning. Throughout history, they’ve featured in virtually every culture, and we’ve always looked to them for answers to life’s big questions. So if a planet appears in your dreams, no doubt you’ll be…

Dream About Your Brother (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Your Brother (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dreaming about your brother is almost always an important sign from the Universe or your subconscious mind about something that’s about to happen, or already is happening in your waking life. Such dreams are significant even if you don’t actually have a brother. In this article, we will present some of the common dream interpretations…